This is it, my friends. You're looking at my gift for those of you that supported the V2 backpack on Day 1 of its release.
On one Strap, you'll see Stay Hungry. This is my reminder to you that while being content is a skill more of us should work on, being complacent is not. Stay Hungry reminds you to never stop pushing; to be absolutely relentless in chasing your goals.
On the second Strap, you'll see Stay Foolish. This Strap was made to remind you of one of my favorite quotes: "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain. Things only seem crazy til somebody does them, don't they?
On the opposite side, you'll see a gradient of yellow to purple. This is a reminder that each of us has the same 24 hours every day. They're the most valuable form of currency we have, yet most of us don't invest them as well as we should.
My hope for this gift is that it'll be your reminder to make the most of each and every day - to spend your time wisely and chase the moments that matter with people you love.